Saturday, November 4, 2017

Covered: Ephemeral Art


Often we are covered by our phone screen. We miss the small moments in life, we miss the vast world around us

Blind: Ephemeral Art


I often am frustrated with how humans interact with technology and nature. This piece describes society's interaction with the beauty that surrounds it.

Monday, May 1, 2017

On Longing

Reflecting back on life

Nostalgia can not be sustained without lost
 This is my friend Lana she transferred schools and I miss her daily, but this picture makes me happy when I look at it.

Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience 
This coffee and muffin represents the many coffees and muffins I have had at school and the amount of coffee shops there are in St. Augustine. It also creates something tangible from an experience that usually has no trace left behind.

 The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale 
This picture I took while in New York. I purposefully stood in front of the skyline so that the viewers could see the mass of the skyline. 

To have a souvenir of the exotic is to poses both a specimen and a trophy
This was a halloween party from when I was in high school, that pumpkin then decomposed as time passed, yet it was a souvenir for a couple of weeks. This picture captures it and makes it last longer.

3D to 2D

Reflecting on the semester 

Using my favorite sculpture from the semester, I created these sun pin wheels and added this quote on top. This semester has taught me that no matter what gets thrown at you, you just have to turn your face to the sun.

Mask Identity

Using a mask to unveil the truth 

Medium: Wire, tracing paper, matte gel medium, gesso, and sharpie

Creating this mask was one of the most self searching projects I have done. When going through the packet I realized that I am interested in how I spend my time. The packet forced me to look at the life I have created and how I push myself to do many different things. When I was sculpting the mask I thought about the many different hats I wear in my life, sometimes I feel as tho I wear to many. That is why the mask goes out in many different directions. 

Yet the mask is just round on the bottom to show that I long for a quite day. A day where I am not being pulled, I am just alone. The bottom of the mask also represents the foundation of myself from home. When I am home I am quite, I go off the grid, I just hang out without responsibility. In comparison to school where I work multiple jobs, attend class, and have multiple leadership positions on campus. 

The things that I do at school color me and shape me. This is why I chose to color the tips of the points of the mask. I really enjoyed creating this and resolving thoughts about myself and about my life at school versus my life at home.


From 3D blog, link not found


Materializing a memory 

Medium: Wood

This project was one of my favorites due to the simplicity of the sculpture. Going through the packet it was therapeutic and eye opening to comb through memories in my head. As I went through my memories I realized that having dinner with my family every night played a big part of who I am.

Leaving for college was one of the hardest things I have had to do so I wanted to capture how I had to leave the dinner table when I left for college. In the sculpture the circle represents the dinner table. The "L" shaped represents my parents and how they created the table. Then the three pieces of wood represent me and my sisters. The curvy piece represents me and how I left the dinner table. 

Map Relief

Creating a map based on relationships instead of roads

Medium: Foam board, paper, string, wooden dowels, paint, tracing paper, and matte gel medium

For this project I enjoyed the reading History of Terrain Models. As I went through the packet I knew that I wanted to do something based on the mapping of mountains. I enjoyed how the article History of Terrain Models discussed the secret maps of the mountains. As I worked on the piece it developed into a piece about the connection of humans. 

The rolled paper and the tracing paper represent humans in general and the string represents the pulling or the pushing of people. The piece represents how we as humans interact with one another.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Soap Carving

Carving friends out of soap 

Medium: Soap

Balsa Wood Sculptures

Doodling together small sculptures 

Medium: The materials that we were able to use in this project are Balsa Wood, Elmers yellow wood glue, heavy stock paper, and masking tape.  

This project was a study in principles and elements of design. Using limited materials, we were asked to make three small sculptures. Each sculpture representing a principle or element of design. This particular project was beneficial so that we could use the materials and experiment with them. I enjoyed the Balsa wood the most due to it’s softness and malleability. I created sculptures that represented scale, space, and repetition.


This particular sculpture is my favorite due to the use of triangles. As I created this sculpture I thought about how triangles can easily create more triangles within themselves. The scale of this piece was entertaining due to the negative space of the triangles. 


 This sculpture represents space and plays on the idea of how we view space. In this sculpture there are many different materials that create little spaces, this was intentional so that the viewer has to turn the sculpture to fully see the space inside. The angle of the sculpture is also important structurally so that the viewer has to look in two different angles to fully understand the space.


Finally, this sculpture is about repetition. Using the wood glue here was entertaining and a experiment in itself. When the wood glue was wet I unsure of what the end product was going to look like. Once it dried I was then able to manipulate the glue by folding it together and make more waves and circles out of the already existing circles. This piece captures repetition well do to the simplicity of the circles or holes in the wood glue making up more circles.

Covered: Ephemeral Art

Covered  Often we are covered by our phone screen. We miss the small moments in life, we miss the vast world around us