Saturday, January 14, 2017

Touch Assignment: Hair

Hair Playing 

This hair playing demonstration is based on the section titled hair. This section references the intimacy of hair playing. The different kinds of hair include different colors, textures, widths, and lengths. This demo also displays the differences of hair and how we identify with our hair by changing it or keeping it natural. Playing with hair between women is more commonplace and this video highlights that.

Touch Assignment: Hands


This child like finger painting expression was inspired by the section hands. The diversity in the different kind of touching with hands is shown through the paint. Hands do a plethora of things such as hit, pat, rub, scratch, count, etc. they also have many shapes such as open palmed and closed fist.  Using the paint, the touches begin to pile on one another beginning to make a timeline of touches.

Covered: Ephemeral Art

Covered  Often we are covered by our phone screen. We miss the small moments in life, we miss the vast world around us