Reflecting back on life
Nostalgia can not be sustained without lost
This is my friend Lana she transferred schools and I miss her daily, but this picture makes me happy when I look at it.
Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience
This coffee and muffin represents the many coffees and muffins I have had at school and the amount of coffee shops there are in St. Augustine. It also creates something tangible from an experience that usually has no trace left behind.
The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale
This picture I took while in New York. I purposefully stood in front of the skyline so that the viewers could see the mass of the skyline.
To have a souvenir of the exotic is to poses both a specimen and a trophy
This was a halloween party from when I was in high school, that pumpkin then decomposed as time passed, yet it was a souvenir for a couple of weeks. This picture captures it and makes it last longer.